Song of the Elves

Epic fantasy novels and short stories by David Charles Shepherd

A Bright New Year

Well, we didn’t quite make it in time to fill your Christmas stocking, but a fine wind prevailing, book three of the Song of the Elves should be sailing towards your kindle early in 2014. I hope you will think it worth the wait. I am very proud of Book 3, which completes the first cycle of the SOTE saga. There will be a time shift of a few years between the action that closes in Book 3 and the opening scens of Book 4, The Lost, the Lonely and the Damned. I will begin work on this book in the spring.

Currently I am putting the finishing touches to The Wolves of Winter, set in the same world as SOTE, but in a time before the elves invaded Rhoderica. Three tales of the legendary Wolves are bound together and told as a narrative to young Thomas by his enigmatic grandfather Mallakai. At the end of the third tale, Thomas will be forced embrace his own destiny, one that will tear his family apart and reveal some of the mysteries found in Song of the Elves.

Before the year slips away, I must make mention of a project by my cousin, Chris Bailey – he plays rhythm guitar and performs lead vocals with Field Studies, an alternative rock band who have been working on their own original material since 2012. They have just released their debut EP Celestial, out now from i-tunes. If you like your rock atmospheric with guitars that float and soar, overlaid with the wind-blown vocals of Chris, then check this out. Highly recommended. Good luck for 2014, lads. I’m a convert!

Finally, thank you for all who have visited this website and who have shown belief in this project in 2013. Its been a slow year of activity, but with upgrades of Books 1 & 2, the release of Book 3 and the debut of Wolves on Winter all to come, 2014 is set to be our biggest year yet.

Up the elves!

Peace and Love.

Shep x


About The Author

Writing has been my main form of escape since a child. Before teaching, I earned a living on a little known national newspaper, before discovering I also had a calling for the classroom. The first embryonic scribbles for Song of the Elves emerged in 2000. I began writing the first trilogy as one continuous manuscript entitled The Summerlands, which I finally completed in the Winter of 2007. In the intervening years, I've been transforming this first draft into three distinct instalments of the saga. "A Shadow Falls" and "The King's Blades" have already seen the light of day. "Sins of the Father" will follow shortly. There will be a second trilogy to complete the saga, which I intend to commence work on in 2012. Book four is entitled "The Lost, The Lonely and the Damned". I have also written a series of short tales entitled The Wolves of Winter, set in Rhoderica before the elves invaded the continent. I will bring this to you in coming months through kindle. I have scripts for a number of stand alone "Wolves" novels. Other projects include a fantasy version of the great John Ford western - The Searchers. I am also half-way through a manuscript for a science fiction novel, entitled The Mirror of His Soul. Time and health permitting, these will all eventually see the light of day.


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